Category: Floor Lamps
Grandrich ES-101 BLK Negroid 27-Watt flooded Spectrum Floor Lamp Product Reviews
This examination is from: Grandrich ES-101 flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray (Tools & Hardware)
Worked for 2 days, then did not work. Found out which deputy tuber is dropped as great as tough to find. Not happy!! Returned lamp.
This examination is from: Grandrich ES-101 flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray (Tools & Hardware)
Lamp simply adjusts to different positions for gentle reading. it arrived really fast as great as was cushy to assemble. Its undiluted for putting in a dilemma of a kids room for a celebration of a mass nook. it would also work great in a living room or den for celebration of a mass or crafts. Highly recommended.
This examination is from: Grandrich ES-101 flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray (Tools & Hardware)
Grandrich flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray #ES-101N. we am really bright with this product. it is great made, uses really small power as great as is really bright
This examination is from: Grandrich ES-101 flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray (Tools & Hardware)
we paid for this flare in December as great as by Mar it stopped working. we thought it was a reddened bulb, so we dispatched for a brand new one to Grandrich. The bulb, incidentally, cannot be found anywhere else, solely during Grandrich, as great as it took most 3-4 weeks to get. modify after installing a brand new reddened bulb, a flare did not work. next, Grandrich dispatched me a brand new ballast. This is a part we need to install during a lowermost of a flare by reconnecting 7 pairs of wires after we mislay a aged ballast. The flare worked for dual hours. again we contacted Grandrich, located in Cerritos Calif. most an hours drive from my home. they referred to we take it in to intend it fixed. we was not inclined to spend during least dual hours in LA trade as great as wait for for a fix. what if a repair does not work? we requested a deputy lamp, great wakeful a brand new flare may be only as bad as a aged one. This they refused. we dont believe its worth pursuing a matter any longer, so we am dumping a lamp. Any potential customers beware: a flare as great as a tuber have been done in China as great as we wont be able to intend a tuber modify in your better local flare store. Grandrich appears to deal to one side with Chinese products.
This examination is from: Grandrich ES-101 flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray (Tools & Hardware)
The reddened is excellent though a handgun does not propellor upon a bottom instead it only sits upon it with a small bit of pressure. A slight touch as great as a handgun roughly water off of a base. The bottom should be redesigned to have a handgun propellor into it for stability otherwise it only falls. we give it 2 stars for a reddened it puts out though DO NOT have it around kids AT ALL. Just a articulate of caution from a mom!
This examination is from: Grandrich ES-101 flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray (Tools & Hardware)
This really adjustable flare is also lightweight sufficient which we could consider stealing it from one room to make make use of of in another! Comfortable, albescent light, cushy upon a eyes, its a great object to intend Grandma as great as Grandpa if they have been play to have a little vision troubles.
This examination is from: Grandrich ES-101 flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray (Tools & Hardware)
we paid for this to replace an Ott Light building flare which died upon me a few months ago. This was a lot reduction expensive as great as it only a great a light. it is flooded spectrum, sturdy as great as we can pierce it around my needlecraft room as needed.
This examination is from: Grandrich ES-101 flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray (Tools & Hardware)
This is a great flare as great as ironically a bulbs do actually seem to copy sunlight. Great! Order came really quickly.
This examination is from: Grandrich ES-101 flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray (Tools & Hardware)
we am visually infirm as great as this has helped me to read things with more ease.
This examination is from: Grandrich ES-101 flooded Spectrum One-Light Floor Lamp, Gray (Tools & Hardware)
Grandrich EZ Reader 27-Watt Fluorescent Floor Lamp #ES-101N
If we have been looking for a building flare for your kids to make make use of of for studying in their room, this is it. Weve purchased multiform lamps prior to this as great as they were possibly not sufficient reddened or as well florescent.
This post has 546 words. It module take we estimate 2 minutes, 43 secondes for celebration of a mass it.
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