Measure the inside railings of the cradle, measuring each interior side separately.
2Cut batting into four pieces according to the measurements. Cut each piece approximately 6 to12 inches wide (depending on the height of the cradle railings). You should have four pieces that fit perfectly inside the railings of the cradle. Be sure there are no large gaps or overlaps in the corners.
3Lay fabric out (wrong side down), and place batting pieces 1 inch from the fabric edge and end to end. Place a one inch gap between each of the batting pieces to allow for the eventual fabric bends. Fold the fabric over the top of the batting. Cut the fabric off 6 inches past the end of the batting.
4Pin the fabric together so that it is snug around the batting. Be careful not to make this too tight. Remove the batting.
5Sew the fabric along the pinned edge, leaving a generous hem. Turn the fabric inside out.
6Stuff the batting into the fabric tube. If this step is too arduous, lett out the hem on the fabric a little.
7Place the bumper in the cradle to test for size. Move the batting pieces around Read More as necessary to create the fit you need. Pin the fabric where each batting piece ends.
8Sew a seam in between each batting piece where you have put your pins. This will keep the shape you want.
9With the bumper in the cradle, determine Read More the amount of excess fabric you have where the two ends meet. Allow for at least 1 inch excess at each end, and cut off the rest. Cut four pieces of ribbon 12 inches in length.
10Fold down the raw fabric edges and iron them in place. Place two lengths of ribbon in each endHow to Make a Cradle Bumper, and pin them to the fabric. Sew them down to close off each end of the bumper. You should now have a completely enclosed bumper, with two ribbons coming off each end.
11Replace the bumper in the cradleHow to Make a Cradle Bumper, and pin the bumper where additional ties will be most appropriate. Cut as many lengths of ribbon as ties you have decided on. The ribbon should be long enough to be folded in half, wrapped around the cradle railings, and then tied in a bow. Use a test piece of ribbon to determine the length needed.
12Sew the ribbon onto the top interior of the bumper. The seam should be in the middle of the ribbon, so that when completed you have two pieces of ribbon hanging down from the bumper. Place a small amount of FrayCheck on each end of ribbon.