Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Beautiful Coral Reef Lamp by QisDesign

by Simona Strachinaru, posted in Lighting, on Jun 21st, 2011

When we consider of corals, we imagine a marvelous aquatic universe which surprises we with its mysterious sum as well as smashing landscapes from a bottoms of a oceans.

Their image creates we consider of those smashing as well as exotic islands, a chromatic ocean humour as well as a pleasing combinations of sea nuances similar to white as well as chromatic colors.These illusory views definitely module verify your exhale away as well as module make we consider of an exotic locate for your season holiday.Perhaps a aforementioned outcome module have this Coral Reef floor lamp, designed by QisDesign.

It is a diode floor flare which consists of 3 covering as well as swivellable illumination layers. Each of these layers crapper be activated exclusively by being swiveled. This thing module become an advantage for we since we module be able to emanate your condition as well as illumination effects.

Their pleasing as well as superb shape, illuminated up by a diode module emanate an intimate atmosphere as well as module become a smashing contrast for a surrounding darkness.You might use it for your bedroom, vital room or even an outside terrace.They might also be undiluted for open places similar to exerciser or restaurants.It depends on a outcome as well as atmosphere which we would similar to to emanate for your spaces.

hello kitty lamp arc floor lamp magnifying lamp

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