Jumat, 02 September 2011

Cantilever Floor Lamp by Evan Clabots | Curatedmag.com

Daily News

canti push building lamp2 540x375 Cantilever Floor Lamp by Evan Clabots

Evan Clabots of Nonlinear Studio recently debuted a Cantilever Floor Lamp, which facilities adjustable tallness for all your illumination needs. The flare paint sits upon a tiny secondary stick which is cantilevered off of a lamps vertical pole. The cantilevered arm ends in a ring which slides over a vertical stick of a lamp. The coefficient of a paint twists a ring feat it to lock or holds upon a wooded stick as well as keeps a paint during some height.

More images after a jump.

Related posts:
The Semjase Floor Lamp by Sandro Santantonio for Lucente
Chorong Lamp
Cantilever Stool
Yumi Lamp by Shigeru Ban
Photography Evan Brockett
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