Rabu, 14 September 2011

Home Office MakeOver: Daylight Flexi-vision Floor Lamp Giveaway

The Daylight Company manufactures high peculiarity magnifying as well as charge lamps that have appetite action record that reduces eye aria as well as improves contrariety so we crapper suffer a true colours of your work, read longer as well as easier as well as be during finish palliate as well as comfort while we do.

While swing my new bag bureau together, we realized that we didnt have most expanse to work with, so we had to make use of what we had wisely so it feels comfy as well as friendly instead of crammed. While we was browsing on.daylightcompany.com/I came opposite their Flexi-vison Floor Lamp. Perfect distance as well as style. Plus we thought it would look great in my new bag office.

Flexi-vision Floor Lamp

The Flexi-vision Floor Lamp is a result of endless research as well as collaboration with a RNIB as well as alternative baritone prophesy specialists. The Flexi-vision Floor flare regroups every a most appropriate facilities to have it a ultimate reading lamp. The 20w Daylight appetite action tuber reduces glare as well as improves contrariety allowing we to read as well as indite for longer in optimal comfort. With a new multi-swivel system as well as stretchable arm, we crapper approach a reddened exactly where we requirement it as well as make use of this flare upon a sofa or during a table. The Flexi-vision Floor flare is also a single of a safest lamps upon a marketplace with clear on/off alter location, anti-trip wire holders as well as baritone feverishness shade. (silver)

Height: 55 inches Weight: thirteen lbs. Light: 100W



Flexi-vision Features:

Low Heat

Even if we hold a shade or blood vessel of this flare by accident, we module be safe. All our bulbs as well as tubes make use of a Daylight baritone feverishness record for ultimate comfort as well as safety.

Energy Saving

All Daylight bulbs as well as tubes make use of 80% less energy. When we work with your lamp, we reduce your electricity check as well as do your taste for a planet.

Daylight Colors

Love a colours usually a approach they are! The Daylight record not usually reduces eye-strain; it gives we a most appropriate colour matching ever.

Flicker Free

Experience a Flicker-Free reddened series with Daylight. No stroboscope effect, no headaches, usually a pure soothing reddened to behave your eyes!

Daylight technology

With flooded spectrum Daylight technology, your eyes module ease be fresh during a end of a day! No headaches, no red-eyes, working under Daylight becomes as relaxing as well as natural as a travel in a park.

Approved by a RNIB

Approved by a Royal National Institute for a Blind (in a UK), so we crapper be certain that this creation is undiluted as well as safe for people wearing unchanging or baritone prophesy glasses.

The Flexi-vision Floor Lamp takes up very little space, though crapper cover what ever Atlantic of some room with a undiluted amount of light. Some floor lamps crapper be vulnerable since their reddened weight, not that sturdy, so they could tip easily. The Flexi-visions bottom is some-more similar to a coefficient than a flare base, so there is zero chance of this flare tipping over unless we physically do it yourself. The upon soured alter upon a side of a flare is perfect. It turns cushy as well as a during a undiluted height. Many floor lamps have a upon as well as soured alter approach during a top, so we requirement a step stool reach, that is a taste most as well as not during every convenient. If we have your flare in an Atlantic of a room that is right by an opening then we wont requirement as most cord as if it was around a corner of a outlet. The anti trip cables holders module become in handy. Especially if we have tiny young kids or pets, or if your similar to me as well as your room has an ungainly setup. Multi level swivel as well as stretchable limb have it so we crapper suffer your flare during some angle we could presumably requirement it at. Moves very cushy as well as after we pierce it in a single settings as well as then go as well as pierce it around later, to have a reddened in a opposite area. Just pierce it to a in front of we want it in as well as there wont be some bends or creases in your stretchable arm, from a final position.

The Flexi-vison Floor Lamp is a undiluted flare for my bureau as well as is a floor flare that we feelcompletelysafe using in my home. This flare is a single of most available during Daylight, so be certain to stop by as well as wager that flare would be undiluted for your bag bureau or work space.

Where to Browse & Buy


Daylight Giveaway

Daylight has generously offered a giveaway for a single Social Media Junkie reverend to also receive aFlexi-vision Floor Lamp of their own. $179.99 value.

Open to US Only Ends September 28th 11:59pm est.

How to Enter

Visit Daylight as well as tell me that a single of their products we would most similar to to have. This entrance contingency be completed for additional entries to count.

(Leave aseparatefor any entrance completed along with some names that we follow with)
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Disclaimer: we received this creation during no price to post a examination of my honest opinions of a product. All opinions settled in this examination are my own as well as we was not paid in anyway for a positive reviewcmp.ly/2/z2roma

About a author

Stacy Oleskiewicz wrote 1983 articles upon this blog.

Pr & Family Friendly journal flooded of creation reviews, giveaways, blogging tips, coupons, promotions, social media, promotion as well as more..

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